Archive | July 2004

A different sort of loom.

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One of our best customers and a really fine weaver wanted a diamond shaped loom. Randy made a proto-type last night and I wove these on it today to be sure it ws going to do the job for her. So now I have a big yarn doily! She has ambitious plans for hers, but I think mine is probably as big as it’s going to get… for awhile, anyway. I have plans for a diamond, too, but a smaller one. It was still too hot for mowing lawns so this was a good excuse to sit in front of the fan again today! πŸ˜€

I am working!

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I haven’t been entirely idle since the kids left. Here is my bulky yarn for the next Spin-Off skeins. I just love Kool-Aid orange! I may have to spin some fine and knit a top. I’ll look like a CalTrans flagman! lol Been cleaning and printing books and even did a bit of loom designing. I think I’m planning to start getting ready to begin Christmas projects, too. And it’s only not quite August. Well, it’s too hot to mow the lawn, which needs it desperately. But, we’ll see…. πŸ™„

Good bye!

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Here they are lined up on Grandmother’s porch to say Goodbye! Oh no! πŸ˜₯ Stephanie called last eve to say they had arrived safely and I talked to Karen this morning. Said the flight went well and they even arrived early. But, boy, is it quiet around here today! This blog is going to be a lot slower and less interesting now when it’s just us old folk again! 😦
Oh well, I have a couple boxes of “mementos” left under the beds and behind the dresser and in the yard! :laugh: I’ll get them packed up and to the post office in a week or so.
Meantime… Karen wants her looms… NOW, Mom! πŸ˜‰
Heehee… I’ve hooked her at last!

Boys In Fiber

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Here they all are with their works in fiber. Shane is holding his handspun llama yarn rake-knitted pillow. He did the carding and helped spin and then knitted it on the knitting rake all by himself. Chris was our main weaver man. He wove the squares and made the bear and he wove from acrylic all the triangles to make his blanket. He also made his own set of Tiny Weaver looms with a little help from Grumpa.
Mac used Lion Brand Bulky and the knitting rake to make his dog a blanket. He got quite a way along and then decided to enlarge it to fit Cori (the real dog), instead of Midnight (the stuffed one). The result you see on the right. It turned out nicely, tho, because his clever Grandma saw at once that with the addition of a nice wooden button, the result made a fine cape for Midnight! Cori isn’t very fond of clothes anyway so was persuaded to let it go. πŸ™„

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Karen’s book bag!

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She got it finished. She used three 14″ squares, woven every-other nail with her very bulky first time-spinning handspun yarn. She and Stephanie spun the yarn and Kool-aid dyed it. Karen wove the squares and I crocheted the strap for her. She says she wants to use it for carrying fat file folders around the school.

warping square

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Here’s a couple of “mug rugs” I made with kitchen cotton, warping it square and then weaving cut lengths to make the hounds-tooth pattern. You can see the crochet cotton that I chained around the edge. You have to hold the thead under the loom so it’s a little awkward at first but once you get the hang of it it goes quickly and it is tight enough to hold the threads even in the washer. I think htese are cute. Experiment!

Taking it easy

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We spent the weekend camping in the mountains! lol But it was further up in the mountains and even Jack found it relaxing! Since he didn’t have to roast his dinner on a willow stick he didn’t even bother to get up for it! πŸ™„

A new weaver at work again!

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Yesterday Karen Kool-aid dyed the yarn she and Stephanie spun and it’s now balled up and ready to weave on her 14″ mahogany square loom. She ‘conned’ me out of my square and then sweet-talked Randy into making her a matching tri. I guess it pays to be related to the lil ole loom-maker! The sad part is that she only has a week left here. They leave next Wednesday! OOOOOH! I miss them already!

Her first square

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Karen decided that her handspun was too thick to weave every nail so she wove every other. I think skipping every thrid or fourth would have worked. She wants to felt this carry all bag, when it’s woven so it might work out just fine this ‘thin’. The colors work out nicely.