Archive | May 2022

May… as in maybe spring?

It’s hard to tell what season it is. One day it’s 80 degrees and sunny, nest day you wake up to 31 degrees and frost, nest day back to warm and sunny then a week of cloudy, dark, cool, and rain showers that don’t really add much to the water table. Today is one of those. I worked in the garden this morning, cut a bunch of kale off my blooming kale plants and finally let him dig up most of them. There a bunch of little seedlings to make a new patch. I hate to give them up, suck pretty plants, but it’s time for a new generation. They don’t seem to mind the weather, in fact judging by the number of  plants coming up. I’d have to say they like it.  But my tomato plants won’t and they are starting to out grow their quarters in the house!

So I’m weaving little triangles today. Don’t know what I’ll do with them. Maybe a quilt design. But they’re easy and fast using the Tiny Weaver Tri.

PUD called awhile back and told us the poser would be out last Sunday from 8 am to 4 pm. Si I made a picnic lunch and we headed up to take a look at how the winter had left Mt Meadow at the end of the road. Seemed a good use for a powerless day. I hadn’t seen the burned area since they started the “clean up”. The clean up consisted of tearing up and hauling off the burned structures, leaving the woods pretty much the way they were. They’ve cut “hazard trees” along the road, those they deem a danger of falling on the road and/or whoever happens to be there at the time. And a few private landowners have logged the burnt timber. on their property. Federal property gets left as is… natural.

But once up the road a few miles the fire did not come down to the canyon do the view along the road is green and thriving. You can see the burn up on the ridgetops, rows of standing poles that used to be trees. The fire came down to the meadow in a few places but by and large it stayed safe, as did the old historical Mt Meadow Ranch. We saw three bear and the trip. Going up, a sow and a yearling cub ran across the road ahead of us. Bright cinnamon colored. Coming back a young black bear was munching grass in the meadow. I guess the bears are hungry this spring, with all the old rotted logs having burned up, taking with them those nice fat grubs the bears like, there’s not much to eat up there this spring. Randy got a shot of this one also munching grass on his hike up Union creek Saturday.


He wasn’t interested in visiting, tho, once he spotted Randy he departed the meadow in a hurry.

But we enjoyed our picnic and hiked around a bit indulging in what is now days called  “Forest Bathing”! lol Ah well, I live in the forest but i still enjoy getting out in the woods.

The alp’s I’m afraid didn’t fair as well as the meadow. We didn’t cross the river but had a depressing view that way.


We walked down and took a look at the meadow from the bottom, The fire came down into the Aspens, but didn’t hurt them. We only have this one patch of them in Trinity Co. That I am aware of, anyway. Here’s Himself contemplating the view. Yo can see the brow trees. But there’s still green ones, too. Still birds and a nice sized deer herd so lots of things survived the fire.

I guess that’s about all I have to day today. Guess I’ll go weave a few more triangles, maybe I’ll get inspired!