Archive | December 2012

Happy Christmas!

Xmas day



Christmas morning and it’s snowing again. Just in case it wasn’t already white enough? Around 8″ and still falling heavily. Okay, Santa! Enough is enough already! lol  Hope you are warm and cozy where ever you are!

Yes, indeed. A LOT more like Chistmas!

Somewhere between 3 and 4 foot of snowfall. This one is just starting to build up. And 60+ hours without power. But we have all the necessities.. water, heat, food, even light via Colman Lantern. A generator to keep the freezers and  fridge cold. It’s not as much fun as it used to be but we survive! lol


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…..

Had our first snow and the second one is on the way.  Maybe.  Yesterday it was three feet by Friday, today it’s 10″ and it might actually be rain.  By tomorrow it’ll probably be Indian summer! lol Well, the weather folk keep telling us that forecasting is better than it used to be but still not an exact science. But you know what? I am okay with a lesser amount of snow. A little white for Christmas, enough for kids to sled or build a snow person and then it melts and goes away… that’s fine with me.

DSC09155zThe trial is over, no more driving to town every day. The Christmas sale is over so no more frantic packaging in order to get orders to people in time for the Big Day. Now it’s time to get ready for a trip to Randy’s family. That’s going to depend a lot of the forecasted or not forecasted snow storm mentioned above.  But I admit to looking forward to January and having little to do. Can that be?! lol

I hope you and your family have a very Happy Christmas and New Year!


‘Tis the Season to be….

…Jolly well overly busy! The fourth week on the jury and now we have an added 2 1/2 hours to our day. That means I leave here at 7 am and hope to get home by nine pm. But we are still working hard to get your loom orders on the way to you!











Just wanted to reassure you who might be waiting. Randy has been spending his time in the shop and I’ve been out there evenings and weekends, too. We’ll get it done and want to thank you all for your patience!

Meantime, there hasn’t been one snowflake! We’re due some rain later this week, the NOAA people tell us, and they did mention a snow level of 4000′ which is as low as it’s been so far, mostly over 6000′. We sometimes get a little wet snow here when they call for 4000′ tho we are are at 2500′. Our little valley is a cold one. I would like a bit of snow before Christmas. Hate driving in it but the first snow is so pretty and makes it feel more like Christmas, don’t you think?

Hope you are having fun this December and staying warm and safe. If you’ve placed an order… it is coming!