Archive | June 2014

Home again

We’re back from Black Sheep Gathering, in Eugene, Oregon. Had a wonderful time with Jane Grogan who came all the way from Wisconsin  to teach weaving in Oregon.  She wore her vest woven on the 4″ square Multi. which I didn’t get a close up of. 😦 But here we are in the booth where we got to weave together when she was “off duty”.

Jane in vestBSG4a

I also like her hat with the diamond top and the rolled brim. Hers was two dark colors so the diamonds stood out more than on mine where the colors  kind of blend everything together. I’ll use more contrast on the next one. But I like it anyway.

Jane Hat 4Jane Hat 5

Yesterday was spent going to town to pick up the cats from the ‘motel’ and get a few emergency groceries. Today is shipping orders and catching up on the laundry. What fun! lol  and Friday we’re off to Medford for the month’s grocery shopping and for lumber so Randy can get busy filling orders again. This year we are going to be at the California Wool and Fiber Festival in Booneville which is in September. We have not been there since it joined the Mendocino County Fair so it’ll be a new experience for us. If you are in that area I hope you’ll come by and say hi.

Meantime… Back to weaving. Hope your summer is off to a great start!

June already!

Sorry I have not been back here in a while. It’s been a busy month already. Black Sheep Gathering coming up next weekend, too. Jane Grogan is on her way west to teach a couple of classes there.  If you want to be in her classes you’d better hurry to sign up. I don’t know if there’s any space left but you can check. she’s doing something with the 4″ Multi’s and has a Quilting class using the tiny Weaver Set. That’s going to be interesting. Wish I could join but I am going to be busy at our booth. Sis is coming up, too, and she’ll be looking at white fleeces, being the spinner of the family.

I’ve been weaving squares but have no project in the works just now. But once we get back I’ll be able to settle in. The garden is in now and growing so that project is pretty self-sustaining for a while. This is some mohair, I think it’s some Sis spun with colored nubs. Not sure what it’s going to be…
