The fire

Bear_Fire (17k image)
We’re not getting a lot of smoke from this fire but it’s pretty awful in the valley. Poppa says it isn’t bad out in Happy Valley, he has a little elevation out there, about 1000′ I think. The mountains pretty well keep it away from us, but those people must really be suffering. Even if they aren’t among the 80 family’s who have lost their homes in this 8,000+ acre fire started by a guy’s lawnmower with, apparently, a bad spark arrester.

One thought on “The fire

  1. Oooh, Hazel…this is soo frightening! I’m glad you are OK. My prayers are with you in the mountain communities. October 2003 we had some horrible fires in So. Calif. east of Los Angeles in the mountains above San Bernardino. The smoke and ash rained down all over the southland. Very scary indeed.


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